A painting with flowers and a large bird catching prey in front of a tree
  • A painting with flowers and a large bird catching prey in front of a tree
  • A six-paneled painting of hunting birds, flowers, and trees
  • A painting of birds, flowers, and a tree in the foreground with a mountain and birds in the distance
  • An image of a section of a handscroll with a painting of a black bull in profile
  • A painting of a black bull in profile
  • An image of a black jacket with an orange octopus painted on the back
  • A vertical image of a figure sitting on the back of a stylized lion

Animals in Japanese Art

Sat, 06/24/2023 to Sun, 12/10/2023
The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation Japanese Art Galleries | Galleries 235A–B
A six-paneled painting of hunting birds, flowers, and trees
A painting of birds, flowers, and a tree in the foreground with a mountain and birds in the distance
An image of a section of a handscroll with a painting of a black bull in profile
A painting of a black bull in profile
An image of a black jacket with an orange octopus painted on the back
A vertical image of a figure sitting on the back of a stylized lion