With ArtLens AI, instead of life imitating art, art imitates your life. Upload an image from your device to see matches from the CMA's collection. Don't love your match? Shuffle to cycle through additional matches, or Upload another to choose a new starting image. Found a good match? Add to the gallery to share it here with the world.

Artlens AI works great on landscapes, objects, animals, and plants. It's not a facial recognition tool.

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ArtLens AI: Share Your View uses an AI (Artificial Intelligence) engine, trained on CMA's collection, to recognize the shapes, colors, and patterns in your image, and then find the most visually similar images from CMA's world-class collection. The CMA never saves your uploaded images unless you choose to add to our gallery.

Before uploading an image, you represent that you have read and agreed to both our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.

Find out more about ArtLens AI on CMA’s website or on the blog.

If you notice an issue, please let us know at [email protected].

Your view

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Our match

Can the CMA's collection match your image?