  • 2018.160

Social-Emotional Learning through Art

Welcome to virtual learning with the Cleveland Museum of Art! This packet is intended to help you prepare for your 30-, 45-, or 60-minute session, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) through Art.

Academic Content Standards

  • National Visual Art Standards Anchor #7
  • National Visual Art Standards Anchor #8
  • Ohio Social-Emotional Learning Standards Competencies A, B & C

What to Expect

Our goals and strategies for each lesson are described below.

How to Prepare for a Virtual Lesson with the CMA

What to Expect

  1. We will work with artworks from the Cleveland Museum of Art’s collection. You will get the chance to write, draw, move, and talk throughout our lesson.
  2. If you have any tech issues during the call, you can send a direct message to the moderator in the chat.

Preparing Yourself and Your Space

  1. Do your best to minimize distractions: let the people around you know you are on a call, keep your phone on silent (we may ask you to use it during class), and close other programs or tabs on your computer that may distract you.
  2. Clean up the floor nearby so you can move around.
  3. Grab a pencil and paper and have a hard surface to write on.
  4. This will not be a lecture! We expect everyone to do their best in participating: using the chat, sharing aloud, and completing the activities along with us.

Preparing Your Device

  1. Connect your device to a charger.
  2. Open Google Chrome (or another web browser).
  3. Join the Zoom or Google Meet call by clicking on the link provided by the CMA.
  4. Say hello in the chat and practice using the Raise Hand function (Zoom).
  5. If you have trouble setting up, contact your teacher or connect with the CMA staff member responsible for moderating the lesson.

For additional questions regarding your virtual learning session, please contact VirtualLearning [at] clevelandart.org.